To attract wealth there are amulets for good luck and money, which are designed to attract financial prosperity and wealth. The finished talisman should be placed in the area of wealth in the house or carry with you at all times. Amulets to attract cash are a great additional element of influence to improve the financial situation in the family. To make a talisman for luck and money you can own. For example, to find coins, dazzle them with pieces of wax, to decorate a money tree in red ribbons Desk.
What is the amulet

The talisman or amulet is an object or a jewel, which one ascribes magical properties of the tool that is supposed to bring luck, happiness, to be a talisman against negative energy. The owners of the amulets always wear them on the body to attract positive energy to the soul, and favor to human life white magic. To attract financial prosperity to the family owners keep the mascots in the nooks of the apartment or house. The amulet should not flaunt because of the abundance of negative energy emanating from strangers.
What kind of amulets to attract money
Since ancient times people pondered over the ways to attract financial prosperity. Talismans for luck and money in ancient times were made of white magicians, psychics, sages. Over time it becomes harder to find an effective way to improve the cash component of life. Most people forgot about this method of attracting success. Amulets to attract money and attract good luck to its owner not so much the money, but the success in his business, work, business. A talisman can be any object such as a horseshoe, of a plant.
Money charms, attracting wealth, decorated with ancient symbols, runes, images of zodiac sign. Amulets are often performed in green, purple, red colors - they contribute to the winning of large sums, the successful search for precious treasures. To understand what mascots bring good luck and money, you can also on their own experience of using this tool as a money amulet.
To attract good luck in the banking business, the magic item you need to properly charge it during the full moon mascot to put on large bills, gold jewelry (rings, pendants, bracelets), light a candle and drip the mascot of the essential oil of clover, visualizing the fulfillment of desires in the field of Finance, the amount of the account. Such rituals represent a good commercial transaction.
The image of the rune
Classically applied to the inside of the purse or on the bottom of the piggy banks, metal safe. Runic talismans, used in incantations, magical rituals for attracting and keeping wealth, soil fertility, livestock health, a good trade. Some emperors, large merchants and traders so greatly believed in the power of this powerful talisman, burned or scraped the runes on his own body. For image suit:
- fahu is similar to a Latin "f" raised up;
- inguz is the rune of abundance and fertility, the rhombus with "whiskers";
- uruz is the symbol of the sun, action and success.
Animal figurines

Ancient people believed in the sanctity of domestic and wild animals, in their ability to bring money, success, fame. Start in the home and in the barnyard and tried of these animals. If for some reason the animal that brings wealth and prosperity, have not used their images and figures. Amulets were made of natural noble materials: mahogany, ivory, gold. Make the figure a must own. The most common animal mascots are:
- frogs;
- domestic cats;
- cows;
- elephants (trunk up).
Non-exchangeable notes
One of the most effective charms enrichment is Non-exchangeable banknote or coin. The size of the denomination is not important but it is desirable that it was a large bill. Non-variable bill, be sure to keep separate and in a safe place, away from prying eyes, as it is believed that people taking the energy of money. In addition, bills for monetary charms you should choose from found or donated - this contributes to easy money.
Alternative Non-exchangeable coin can become precious stones . The best choice for this amulet will not be treated, not cleaned stone, preferably extracted or found. If you use the gems from the shop, they may be less effective. This is due to "mending" the energy of the stone during processing or during the possession of another person. The most effective amulet-stone recognized as emerald.
Amulet for luck and money with their hands
Amulets for good luck and money with their hands I decided to do from the very beginning of their use. The making of talisman with their hands greatly increases its effect, because it "remembers" the owner, Creator and directs the entire force to a particular person. To make amulets can be made of any scrap materials, most importantly, to explore suitable options of charms, principles of their action on the chakras. How to make talisman for money, can be found on the discussion forums, to look at ways of making amulets in the video.
Imperial amulet
To make yourself an Imperial coin is very simple:
- you must choose the right night (full moon);
- in the dark to put the selected a coin on a piece of red matter;
- tie the thread green;
- to read the prayer request for well-being;
- to hide the amulet in a safe place.
Special magic cord

Amulet for luck and money in the form of a special magic cord can be manufactured in the following manner:
- take thick yarn (wool or silk), yellow, green and red;
- weave into a braid or other weave curly;
- in forming the cord should imagine a happy, successful life;
- cord to carry with you.
The herbal pouch
For the manufacture of a talisman with herbs you need to:
- pre-assemble and dry herbs (mint, thyme, Thistle);
- take a small bag made of coarse flax fiber (would be better if the fabric for the pouch to make yourself);
- folded grass;
- to hide behind an icon or among the books.
Cash ball
This talisman will help to attract monetary wealth. It requires:
- take any coin and wool yarn green;
- roll up thread to tangle;
- fix the ends of the strands in the tangle of pins;
- hang the amulet on the inner side of the front door.